Day Four…
Task Four: Draw a Portrait
I have to give myself a mini pat on the back — it’s not too bad! It’s not great, but considering it’s been years since I’ve held a sketch pad I’d say this one is mostly a win. Her eye isn’t quite right and I need to work on my shading. The beautiful thing is I can always go back and refine it; how often do we get to say that in life?
The best part of the whole effort was that I had forgotten how relaxing drawing can be. I was working on it after a horrendous performance by our Warriors and it really helped me chill out. Although, truth be told, I’m not one to hang on to frustration about a team’s lousy performance. Sure, it’s disheartening to watch them botch shots they normally make in their sleep and to make so many turnovers you wonder who’s playing for which team, but in the grand scheme it has very little effect on my life so I’m sure as hell not going to let it ruin my day. I’m always amazed at people that are just the opposite, that will stew for days, droning on about every missed basket and every sloppy foul. There are bigger problems in the world, in the Town, and it’s downright ridiculous to add to your own personal stress because of an ill-fated sports event. Now, it’s perfectly understandable if you’re the one playing; I must admit I’m hoping Draymond is beating himself up a little this morning (assisted, I’m sure, by Steve Kerr…), but even he has to shake it off at some point and get on with life.
Sports obsession, however, is one of the funny things about living in Oakland; we’re a sports Town that’s been blessed with some amazing, history making teams. By the same token we’ve been cursed by those very same teams when they don’t just fall from grace, but nosedive straight into the pavement. Largely this is often due to poor management/ownership but that’s another story altogether. The great thing is that when we have a team worth celebrating we do it up big. I’m sure that’s the case with most cities, and I’m usually pretty put-off by bandwagoning fans, but in a Town fraught with so many polarizing issues it’s nice to have something to rally around and nice to see it bring a community together. Even if it is only for a minute.
Wait, I was supposed to be talking about drawing.
It turns out there’s only so much one can really say about drawing when one is not, in fact, an artist. It was fun. I need practice. And practice I shall! Just like those Warriors are hopefully doing right now. As for the next task in this little endeavor of mine, this evening I will attempt to perfectly poach an egg. I’ve never attempted poaching an egg, which is a travesty given how very much I love poached eggs. I’ve been told (actually I heard it in “Julie and Julia”) that the key to success in this undertaking is having very fresh eggs. I’m hoping my favorite butcher shop will have very fresh eggs, although they will likely cost me the same as a few healthy hens. I have, therefore, given myself a dozen egg limit. There’s no point in wasting perfectly good eggs so if I can’t do it in 12 tries then I’ll just have to accept defeat. Hopefully, if I am forced to admit defeat, I’ll be able to do it with as much humility and as straightforward as Draymond Green, “it was bad. It was really bad.” Better luck tomorrow night guys, I will still love you no matter what… But please win!
Until next time…