Day Two…

Tomi Anderson
3 min readMay 21, 2016

Win, Win, Win!

Task Two: Think of a minimum 30 tasks to get started


I thought of 37, actually, and I must say I’m quite pleased with myself. I had a bit of a springboard since I had a few written down already from when I initially decided this was something I wanted to do. I read that list this morning before I walked the dog and ideas started coming so quickly I had to cut the walk short so that I could get back and write them all down! For a moment I thought surely I’d get to the 60–90 I really wanted to do; hell, I thought I might think of all 365. Alas, somewhere around 23 the idea flood slowed to a trickle and then quickly to something more like a drippy faucet. But hey, I have my first 37. I figure the extra 7 can be a sort of buffer for days when I feel I couldn’t possibly complete a task and think of another one all in the same day. I mean, I’m only mortal.

Looking back on the day, however, I probably should have at least shot for 60. Or even 50. Even though my idea thread cut off, I’m sure part of the reason for that was that when I saw the list reach almost 30, I had no further need for the Panic Monster and the Instant Gratification Monkey* came bounding back, wanting to play. It is nice to start with a win so I’m not beating myself up about it too much. I also have to remember that this is not something to which I can devote myself all day every day; I do have to make some time here and there for the rest of my life.

So what’s on the list, you ask? Well, I’m not gonna tell you. You’ll just have to take my word that it exists and I will continue to add to it daily. I thought about publishing it (you know, part of that whole accountability thing) but I’d like to reserve the right to amend or eliminate them as I see fit, as long as I’m replacing an eliminated item with a new task (for example, “sing karaoke” may come off simply in the interest of not subjecting poor, unsuspecting bar flies to my caterwauling. You’re welcome). I can tell you that I did notice a certain trend; several of the tasks involve steps toward completing projects I’ve been talking about for weeks/months/years (plant herb garden +build outdoor bench out of pallets=make deck nice for summer!). Initially I wondered if maybe this was cheating a little bit but then I decided it was more like taming the Instant Gratification Monkey. And I also included one-offs that were simply intended to help me learn and/or see something new (climb Mt. Tam, hit a fastball, poach a perfect egg).

Tomorrow’s task: clean out my car. I know what you’re thinking — that sounds less like a task and more like a chore for a functioning, rational adult. If you’ll recall, however, I never claimed to be a functioning, rational adult. If it helps, my poor, shiny, new car now looks more like a rolling pit of despair. So this is one that plays double duty as a task and as one of those things I’ve been putting off for far too long. And I promise I’ll be doing it all by myself.

Until then, happy Friday. Here’s to ever-expanding lists and clean cars!

*In case you missed it last time, the Panic Monster and Instant Gratification Monkey are not mine. They’re Tim Urban’s. Check him out at Wait But Why. And seriously, watch his TED Talk so that I can stop referring back to him every time I bring up aforementioned characters…



Tomi Anderson
Tomi Anderson

Written by Tomi Anderson

Creates content, pours whiskey, loves wine, family, Lola and her besties (not always in that order). Takes a pretty picture now and then.

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