Just Call Me Green Thumb
Day 23*
Task 23: Plant the herb garden
Don’t actually call me Green Thumb. Yes, the herbs are planted but whether they will thrive or die a quick yet senseless death remains to be seen. I’m still researching how to care for and cultivate my new herbies so we’ll see how they’re holding up after a few weeks in my not-so-expert care. After all, basil is probably the herb I use the most and basil is the one thing I forgot to buy. But by-golly I got me some sage! I’m not sure I’ve ever used sage; at least it smells good.
“The herb that can’t be got is the one that heals.” ~ Irish Saying (evidently, basil is the one that can’t be got…)
What I really wanted to do was build an herb garden out of cinder blocks. I saw this video on YouTube and thought that it would look great on my deck, especially once I get around to building the pallet benches (yes, on my task list). The problem with the groovy cinder-block herb garden, however, is drainage. My deck is already precarious in spots and it didn’t seem like a great idea to build something that would be retaining moisture. Also, it would be difficult to move and I like to move stuff around.
There was also the shoe organizer herb garden — which is great because those things do not help me organize my shoes. I think I have two of them collecting dust in my closet. Again, my deck space is weird and I have nowhere to hang such a thing. (I also have no outlet for the lights I bought!) Also, the photos of on-line are lovely and all but I’m guessing it only looks like that for a day or two. Especially since I’m not the most delicate of creatures; I highly doubt I could get the soil in the pockets without a good portion of it smearing all over the canvas. Do they make them in black?
I was happy to notice that within minutes of finishing the planting I had bees buzzing around! I realize that some people find my adoration of bees odd but the little buggers are so handy. And, in case you haven’t heard, their populations are declining. And whatever your feelings about bees, that’s not a good thing. Especially if you love sage honey; evidently that’s the first kind the bees stop making when their populations are suffering. So I suppose I should’ve planted more sage… I did devote an entire pot to lavender, purely because I love it, but it turns out bees love it too. If I could, I’d cover my deck in the stuff. Alas, I also love to sit on my deck and my fondness for bees doesn’t extend to them crawling all over me. I’ve never been stung but why tempt fate?
Today’s task is a bit of a research project. In my day job I work with people who create algorithms and although I theoretically know what an algorithm is, I don’t actually get it. At all. So I’m trying to figure it out. Stay tuned…
*I swear I had this written yesterday and I saved it as a draft. But then I went to edit and publish and it wasn’t there… Probably operator error but mind your drafts!