Scrubbing Bubbles

Day 16…

Tomi Anderson
3 min readJun 7, 2016


Task 16: Scrub the bathroom in less than 15 minutes

Yes, it seems like a pretty lame task. Scrubbing the bathroom is just a necessary evil and it’s totally cheating to make it a task. However, I had only a very short window in which to take care of the scrubbing and not a ton of time to complete extra tasks. So I did it. I cheated. And I’m pretty much okay with that. It turns out chores are a lot easier to deal with when you come up with a way to make them less mundane and more challenging. I even caught myself whistling Mary Poppins songs. Granted, my bathroom is pretty tiny, but it still usually takes me about half an hour to clean it (really clean it — not just wipe stuff down with Clorox wipes). But this time I was armed with a full arsenal of cleaning products and implements and I attacked it from top to bottom moving, Tasmanian devil style, in a veritable whirlwind. By the time my book club arrived the place looked more or less like the house of a functioning adult and less like that of a frat boy.

It’s amazing that after all this time I still hold on to my teenage tendencies toward complete sloth when it comes to cleaning. Unless, of course, I’m attempting to write something. Then cleaning becomes my ultimate tool of procrastination. Given the amount I’ve been writing lately this whole place should shine like polished silver. But it takes my friends gathering to discuss Dave Eggers to finally light the fire under my slovenly ass.

It was worth it of course. I’d scrub the Taj Mahal to talk about Dave Eggers. If you’re a fan of definitely read The Circle. Be warned, however, you may be less anxious to update your Facebook page or send that Tweet after. It even made me question the concept of blogging, of having my thoughts forever out there for anyone in the world to see. It wasn’t until I went looking for a photograph on my Facebook page that I truly realized just how much of my life is laid bare out there on the World Wide Web. It also raised questions about the nature of privacy in this age of instant information and selfies and everyone’s incessant need to share everything with the rest of the world (my own not withstanding). I’ve always maintained that I’m really not interesting enough to worry too much about what people I’ve never met may or may not know about me, and that still applies. But one does have to wonder how much sharing is simply too much. It is the social media age, after all, that has created the sick phenomena known as the Kardashians and fueled the fire of the equally sick Donald Trump. Could the United States look like any more of a joke?

I digress. This isn’t a political or moral tirade, it’s a blog about finding challenges and writing about them. So for tonight I’m going to practice some Zen. Sort of. Months ago I bought one of those coloring books for adults and I’ve barely touched it. I think I managed to finish an owl and maybe a squirrel. It’s supposed to be soothing and relaxing and help brain function. And, to be quite honest, I always loved coloring. It’s nice to have someone else do the hard part — the actual drawing — and I can just come along and give it some life. So tonight I’m going to finish a page, one full page, and attempt to find some tranquility. I need it after this weekend.

The good news: Monday’s over!



Tomi Anderson
Tomi Anderson

Written by Tomi Anderson

Creates content, pours whiskey, loves wine, family, Lola and her besties (not always in that order). Takes a pretty picture now and then.

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