Write On, Young Jedi

Tomi Anderson
3 min readJul 6, 2017


I find random post-its helpful. Although they’re a little too easy to peel off the TV screen…

There’s a chance I’m becoming a writer. Well, I’ve been a writer for a long time, although, as entries on this blog would suggest, my consistency leaves something to be desired. I suppose it would be more accurate to say that it appears I am becoming a novelist. Albeit considerably more slowly than I had anticipated. But as of this moment I have two complete chapters of my book. And 31 partial ones. The completed chapters are neither the first nor the last as it seems I am incapable of writing in any discernible order, and they are by no means finished. They still need a LOT of editing, but they are whole. They are chapters. Beginning, middle and end. And I don’t totally hate them! I think that’s the part that I find most shocking. Like I said, they need work, but they aren’t terrible. I try to write with limits and time frames. Try to find ways to just make my brain get words onto paper, but that’s not always as easy as it seems like it should be. The brain is a funny thing and is always trying to trip me up in some way. Even as I write this on The Most Dangerous Writing App, it’s hard for me to just keep moving forward even knowing I can polish it up later (it’s because of that app that I’m improving in this department. Seriously, check it out. It’s miraculous). Those that know me know that this little novel of mine has been in the works for some months now. Truth be told, I should be halfway through the second edit by now but… let’s just say I’m not. At least I have a couple chapters. And a bunch of partial chapters. Hey, it’s a start.

For a great procrastination piece and the explanation to the “just one,” check this out.

What amuses me is finding that the more I write, the more I want to write. It seems logical, then, that the best thing for me to do would be to wake up every morning and immediately start writing. Even if it’s not the book. Even if it’s this bizarre, mish-mash, often incongruous but fun-to-do little blog. Even if it’s nonsense in a journal that will never see the light of day. If like attracts like then it would make sense to hit the ground running (or hit the keyboard tapping, as the case may be). I don’t know if it’s the Dory in me or what but I often arise with the intention of writing right away, but the days that I make that happen are way too few and far between. So that is my goal for the next few weeks: write something, anything, the minute I get out of bed. This little challenge is the result of a discussion I had with a friend recently. It’s not just about motivation or inspiration. Oddly enough I find the world rather inspiring (although for matters of inspiration/frustration alleviation, check out this Twitter page). No, for me it’s a matter of momentum. When I just get up and start getting shit done, shit gets done (pardon the expletives. They were necessary).



Tomi Anderson
Tomi Anderson

Written by Tomi Anderson

Creates content, pours whiskey, loves wine, family, Lola and her besties (not always in that order). Takes a pretty picture now and then.

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